Why is there no comment button below the post?

2021.01.01 · FAQ

You made a post with reactions / buttons, but there is no “Comment” button below the post. Why?

In order for native Telegram comments to appear under the posts in the channel, you need:

  1. Create a chat (public / private) and connect it to your channel: Channel Info → Edit → Discussion (specify the previously created chat).
  2. Remove all reactions / buttons under the post: native Telegram comments will not appear as long as there are reactions or link-buttons under the post. This is not a Telepost problem, this is how Telegram works 🤷‍♂️

As a workaround, you can do a multi-publication with two posts at once:

  • the first post contains the main gist and contains buttons / reactions
  • second post without buttons / reactions (you can add text / picture), due to which there will be native comments under it

For example, like this (the arrows show the second post — there is a text at the top, a picture under it, there are comments at the bottom):
