Why are Premium features not supported?

2024.03.01 · FAQ

In 2022, Telegram introduced the opportunity to buy Premium — for subscribing users received a number of benefits, including:

I have Premium, why I can’t use these benefits?

Unfortunately, all these advantages do not apply to the Telepost bot in any way - neither to the system bot @TelepostBot, nor to your personal bot. This is because bots work through the Telegram Bot API.

Can I buy Premium for my personal bot?

At the moment — no (see Telegram FAQ).

So, nothing can be done?

There are currently no options in Telepost. There is already a ticket for this “Support for Premium Telegram accounts” — you can put a reaction 👍 on the first message in the ticket with a description, to show the demand among service users. But it’s not a fact that the Telepost developer will ever implement this feature. Moreover, it will not be free (read more).

Despite all of the above, there are still several options.

Premium bot

You can try switching to a service that uses a bot with a collectible username (collectible usernames), purchased from Fragment. Such a name typically costs several thousand dollars, so such services are almost always paid (or will inevitably become so over time).

Examples of such services:

Post manually

A workaround is to make posts that require Premium features from your Telegram account directly.

Or edit posts manually in Telegram after they are published by Telepost (not recommended, there may be unexpected effects in the form of a missing link to the attachment, etc.).