How to make a post with several pictures (text at the bottom)?

2021.01.04 · FAQ

When creating a post, select the post type “Album”:


Press the button Select file and upload photos / videos (from 2 to 10 items):


After uploading photos / videos, you can add text (maximum 1024 characters):


After that, the post will consist of pictures / videos in the form of an album, under which there will be text. Example:



There are several limitations that you need to be aware of. These limitations are related to the capabilities of the messenger itself, but we hope that Telegram will fix all this:

  • You can upload maximum 10 files per post

  • Although there is nothing about this in the documentation, but it has been experimentally established that the total size of all files should not exceed 50 MB. Otherwise, the request total size exceeds the limit, and when you try to publish a post (everything can work in the preview in the bot), you get the following error:


    You can bypass the limitation only by splitting the post into several, so that each post does not exceed the specified limit.