Easy copying of buttons and reactions through the bot

2019.08.11 · FAQ

Now you don’t have to bother copying reactions!

A command has been added to the bot extra-keyboard @TelepostBot, with which you can easily copy and paste buttons / reactions into your posts.

To use this function:

  • Go to @TelepostBot and start creating a new post as usual
  • At the end of the post, after the main text, enter a special extra command ::/:: (works as a separator line) and write the necessary buttons / reactions.

Send a message to the bot — it will give a beautiful post with your buttons and reactions. In the same way, you can change the number of buttons and reactions in your post.

In this example, we used only two reactions and three link-buttons (two on one line, and one more on the second line):


Now you can safely forward your posts to another person for publication, and not worry about the buttons or reactions being forgotten.


  • Link-buttons must be separated using the | character
  • Reaction buttons must be separated using the / character
  • Reaction buttons and link-buttons cannot be mixed