How to add channel/chat to Telepost?

2019.04.26 · FAQ

Important: your can’t create posts through @TelepostBot (service bot), because purpose of this bot is to post publications from Web UI. Your need to create your own bot and add it to Administrators — see here how to do it.

Add bot as Administrator

Click on channel’s name, go to “Channel Settings”, then open “Administrators” and add here your personal bot: image

To connect chat (group) — do the same in Group Settings.

Connect channel/chat to Telepost

If your have public channel, forward to bot any message from channel. Also in case of public channel/group your can send their username to bot.

In case of private channel or group — your need to send to the bot channel/group ID accordingly. To find ID your can use bots:


Activate bot

Send to your personal bot message /start: image

If everyting was done right, then bot prompts you to create a post.